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About me:


James Samuel




I'm sure traveling means something different for everyone. Whethers its relaxaion, adventure, fresh start, catch-up with old friends or meeting new friends.  But for me just the conversation of traveling lead to me meeting Nely, and consequently getting her email address (that's another story).


When I was 18 I traveled to Cuba to visit an extremely good friend of mine. I'm sure most seasoned travelers already know of Cuba's poverty (with monthly incomes around $20 a month)yet seeing it first hand I came home with an intirely new point of view of the world, and very appreciative of what I have; along with a few dozen cigars and some rum.


One of my other favourite things in life is food, I live to eat and love to cook, so for me, traveling is a great chance to try new things and learn new recipes. Austria Tiroler Gröstl on the top the mountain was the most interesting of 2014, and steak in Barcelona was the most delicious.


Traveling gives people the chance to experience new things in life such as language, culture and food and through traveling I have found that I have a lot to be thankful for in life and certainly a lot more still to be learnt.


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